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About The Blog

The Law and Political Economy Blog, published since 2017, is a forum for discussion and debate about questions of law and political economy. The blog also aims to facilitate the development of LPE as a new school of legal thought and intellectual community, as well as to enable dialogue between scholars, students, practitioners, and organizers. LPE scholarship begins from the presumption that law gives shape to the relations between politics and the economy at every point; law is the mediating institution that ties together politics and the social provisioning process. It also tends to be united by commitments to generating a more radically egalitarian and democratic political economy and to practical engagements that seek to undo the overlapping systems of domination characteristic of our neoliberal era. We generally only post things that we believe engage distinctively with political economy and law, and welcome disagreement and debate. No particular post should be taken to reflect the views of the editorial team or LPE Project.

Pitches and submissions of 1,400 words or fewer may be sent to We will respond as promptly as possible. Accepted pitches are not guaranteed publication.