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Weekly Roundup: Jan 24

A.J. Bauer on how to oppose Trumpism, Genevieve Lakier on the TikTok Ban and the limits of the First Amendment, and Chrystin Ondersma on a dignity-based approach to debt. Plus, upcoming events with Dean Spade on sticking together and Michael Fakhri on Palestianian Food Sovereignty, CFPs for workshops on social reproduction and the post-neoliberal moment in labor law, a new syllabus on Law after Neoliberalism, a summer academy for scholars of American Political Economy, a new paper on unions and AI governance, and the launch of Common Wealth's US research & policy program.

Weekly Roundup: Jan 17

Amy Kapczynski on institutional neutrality rules, and Greg Baltz on tenant union organizing in the shadow of law. Plus, a changing of the guard on the LPE editorial board, a CFP on Carceral Political Economy, a lunch talk with Dean Spade, two political-economy focused post-doc positions, Jasmine Harris on conservatorships, Jonathan Harris on the FTC's non-compete rule, Karen Tani on Digging a Hole, a debate over the YIMBY agenda, Amna Akbar on Mangione and Malm, Beth Popp Berman on antitrust and industrial policy, and the Michigan Journal of Law and Society is looking for interdisciplinary scholarship.

Weekly Roundup: Dec. 20

Matthew Lawrence on the political influence of super groups, and Henry Tonks on The Quiet Coup. Plus, Katie Wells and Funda Ustek Spilda on Uber for Nursing, Kate Redburn on 303 Creative, David Stein on economic austerity and intersectional analysis, an interview with Thomas Ferguson on the 2024 US election, and an episode of the inequality podcast about the costs of mass incarceration.

Weekly Roundup: Dec. 13

Beau Baumann and James Goodwin on the LPE of Congress, Shai Karp on landlords as petty tyrants, and a listicle of our favorite LPE posts on technology. Plus, Tara Raghuveer and Ruthy Gourevitch on tenant unions, Suzanne Kahn on feminist progressive populism, good news from the trenches of the EPA and FTC, Alvin Velazquez on bankrupt cities and federal disaster spending, and new book symposia at Legal Form and the American Political Economy Blog (inside you there are two wolves).