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In Defense of Theoretical Quietism

Sam Moyn has recently challenged what he sees as the “theoretical quietism” of LPE. Yet this resistance to high-altitude legal and social theory is entirely justified. The most productive theorizing, which involves contesting and clarifying the mid-level legal and economic concepts that have the most effect in the world, will occur a step below these abstract heights. It is here that LPE scholars should continue to focus their attention.

Root and Branch Reconstruction in Antitrust: A Symposium

Given the shortcomings of the prevailing antitrust framework, a growing chorus of voices is calling for a ground-up reconstruction of competition law and policy. But what would that look like? This symposium offers an affirmative vision of the new antitrust.

The Dawn of Antitrust: An Egalitarian Interpretation of the Sherman Act

The conventional interpretation of American antitrust law has neglected its democratic and egalitarian origins. As the Sherman Act's legislative history makes evident, its primary target was the concentration of economic power, rather than coordination among workers, farmers, and other smaller producers.