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Hot Anti-Monopoly Summer


The LPE Anti-Monopoly and Regulated Industries (AMRI) Academy is a crash course in challenging corporate power in our political economy. Recent events, including the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic, have exposed the dangers of the prevailing “neoliberal consensus”—the idea that markets are self-correcting and efficient, that we should analyze society in terms of individual preferences, and that government action to improve the economy is futile at best. This vision is clearly ill-suited to tackle today’s problems, and now faces a crisis of legitimacy. Yet we lack the public infrastructure necessary to build a more democratic economy.

Fortunately, a new vision is emerging to confront the status quo of concentrated political and economic power. The AMRI academy embodies this new approach, drawing on traditions of political economy, anti-monopoly, public utility, and regulated industries, but also cutting-edge scholarship in law and social science. Participants will leave AMRI with an understanding of the unique challenges of 21st century capitalism and a broader sense of the institutional tools we can use to tackle the power of Big Tech, as well as new monopoly powers in sectors like labor, pharma, banking, and more.

This summer, we are not hosting the AMRI academy in person. Instead, we are offering a new way to engage with our content! Our brand new AMRI webpage includes lecture videos and readings from last year’s summer academy, as well as tools to track your progress through the course. 

We are encouraging anyone interested in AMRI to take the online course in groups! Some of our official LPE student groups will be doing this, but you can form a study team wherever you find yourself. You don’t have to be a law student! 

We are also creating an AMRI At-Large group that anyone can join. If you are interested in this group, please sign up here.

Make sure to block off some summer fun time for anti-monopoly and regulation!