Cornell ILR School invites submissions for the Work Law Junior Scholar Workshop to be held in Ithaca, New York, on November 8-9, 2024.
Participants will receive feedback on their scholarship from one of the leading scholar discussants (Matt Bodie, Veena Dubal, Hiba Hafiz, Kerry Rittich, and Noah Zatz), comments from fellow junior scholars, and advice about career development and journal placement from senior scholars and law review editors.
Scholars who self-identify as junior scholars and write in the field of work law, broadly defined, are welcome to apply. Around fifteen papers will be chosen. Presented papers must be advanced drafts of scholarly work (law reviews, journal articles, etc.) ready for circulation by Oct. 15, 2024. Preferences will be given to scholars without tenure. Student notes are also welcome. We have a small pot of money and will distribute financial assistance on a need base.
Interested participants should submit an abstract under 500 words, a preference of commentator, a CV, and one paragraph about financial needs (if interested in financial aid) via this link by July 15. The decision will be announced by August 1, and a full draft is due on October 15.
Please contact Gali Racabi ( or Yiran Zhang ( if you have any questions about this workshop.