How We Win: Local Worker Rights Campaigns
Wednesday, June 29 at 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT
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Join us for the second event in the DSA Fund’s series on How We Win, where we’ll get an inside look at worker rights campaigns in Portland, Maine; New York City; and Austin, Texas. In a time of growing labor solidarity and union recognition campaigns, what else can democratic socialists do to achieve worker justice victories?
The How We Win series shares lessons and how-to experience from successful campaigns around the country, showing how democratic socialist organizers and coalitions can move forward, and achieve tangible wins in support of economic and social justice goals. Join us to discuss what worker justice campaign strategies have worked, what’s been won, and the path forward.
Panelists include:
Ana Gonzalez worked as a fierce advocate for immigrant workers at Workers Defense Project in Austin, Texas, where she helped organize and lead a successful campaign for a local paid sick leave ordinance in coalition with Austin-DSA and others. She is now Deputy Director of Policy and Politics for the Texas AFL-CIO.
Jaslin Kaur is a member of NYC DSA, daughter to a New York City taxi driver, anti-mass incarceration advocate and former city council candidate who organized in the campaign to win major debt relief for taxi drivers in New York City.
Michael Lighty, moderator, is president of Healthy California Now, representing the National Union of Healthcare Workers, and a veteran of strategic policy campaigns. He serves on the Democratic Socialists of America Medicare for All steering committee and is a founding fellow of the Sanders Institute.
Kate Sykes is a former Co-Chair of the Maine DSA and was an organizer for Maine DSA’s People First Portland campaign in 2020 that passed a slate of ballot initiatives, including a minimum wage increase with a hazard pay provision. The chapter is launching another referenda campaign now.
Panelists will respond to your questions and discuss the longer view of what coalitions and governments can do—nationally and locally—to strengthen worker rights and labor justice, and to organize toward an economy that meets the needs of all, not profits for the few.This virtual event is co-sponsored by DSA Labor, the NYC-DSA Debt and Finance Working Group and Labor Branch, LPE Project, Convergence, Dissent, and In These Times.
To attend this virtual event on June 29, RSVP HERE.