Please join the LPE Project and APPEAL for our next informal mentoring session!
When: Friday October 28, 2022. 4:00 – 5:00pm EDT, (UTC-4) via Zoom (link will be provided to accepted registrants)
Registration & Deadline: Please sign up here by Tuesday, October 25 at 12PM ET. Space is limited!
Who: We welcome law students and graduate students interested in teaching at a law school to join us for a small group discussion with faculty about research interests and career strategies.
Participating Faculty:
Professor Lua Kamál Yuille, Northeastern University School of Law and D’Amore-McKim School of Business
Areas of expertise: Property Law, Corporate Law, Business Law, International Law, Race, Racism & the Law, Gender & the Law, Critical Pedagogy, Heterodox Economics.
Yuille serves on the Board of Directors of ClassCrits, Inc. and was honored with the Society of American Law Teachers’ Junior Faculty Teaching Award in 2017. Recent publications include Corporations, Property & Personhood; Love as Justice; Dignity Takings in Gangland’s Suburban Frontier; and From Corpo Economicus to Corpo Sapiens.
From her Northeastern faculty profile:
“Yuille is a recognized praxivist, which is a philosophy that involves using her theoretical scholarship to inform her engagement in social change. Her current interdisciplinary work draws into conversation property law, heterodox economics, business law, critical pedagogy and group identity. Yuille’s diverse professional formation — federal law clerk, Latin Americanist socio-economic development lawyer, Wall Street corporate transactional attorney, public school teacher, pro bono immigration litigation practitioner — provides a strong foundation for her engaged scholarship on a wide range of questions.”
Professor Luke Herrine, University of Alabama School of Law.
Areas of expertise: Contract Law, Consumer Law, Financial Institutions & Financial Regulation, Student Loan Law, Law and Political Economy.
Prof. Herrine is the former Managing Editor of the Law and Political Economy Blog, as well as a co-founder of the network of LPE student groups. Recent scholarship includes What is Consumer Protection For?; The Folklore of Unfairness; Competition Law as Collective Bargaining Law (co-authored with Nathan Tankus); and The Law and Political Economy of a Student Debt Jubilee.
From his Alabama faculty profile:
“His legal and policy arguments in favor of student debt cancellation have thrust that policy option into the center of debates in which it was previously excluded. His innovative legal strategy for flooding the Department of Education with applications for debt cancellation from defrauded borrowers contributed to a successful campaign to use the previously dormant “borrower defense” authority to cancel hundreds of millions of dollars of student loan debt. His arguments in favor of using “compromise” authority to cancel student debt more broadly was the first to suggest that possibility, which reshaped the conversation around student debt cancellation. Outside the student loan space, his arguments about the underutilization of the unfairness authority has influenced officials within both the FTC and the CFPB and his nascent work on the value of price regulation has led him to be invited to contribute ideas to ongoing efforts at defining “price gouging.”
Guiding Thought (from Dr. John Haskell, University of Manchester Law):
We all face doors that seem locked in our lives at various moments. Sometimes they are; sometimes it is just a matter of the wrong key. Sometimes it is just that there are other doors we aren’t seeing. But there is always something to do about a situation and often the best way to get unstuck (or to stay unstuck) is to have opportunities to brainstorm with others. We hope these sessions help facilitate everyone to discover more and better choices in their professional and political life journeys.