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Money as a Democratic Medium 2.0

Jun 15, 2023


Harvard Law School, The New Institute, Hamburg Institute for Social Research, and Zoom

Just Money is delighted to announce Money as a Democratic Medium 2.0. The Conference will be held at two sites in order to maximize participation while minimizing carbon impacts: Cambridge, MA (Harvard Law School, June 15-17, 2023) and Hamburg, Germany (the Hamburg Institute for Social Research and The New Institute, June 15-16, 2023).  The Conference is open to all students of money, credit, and finance, the monetary system, and the modern economy, including members of the public. We will offer robust online access and we encourage distant participants to join us virtually.

The Conference includes opportunities for specialized exchange in panel sessions and plenary events of interest to the broad audience.

  • For specialized panel sessions, we welcome proposals by February 1st, 2023. Your material should include panel participants, paper abstracts (1-2 pages each), and a confirmed commentator. We will receive independent paper submissions, but their chances of acceptance depend on the vagaries of other submissions. Panels and papers in the areas identified below are particularly encouraged. In addition, there will be limited opportunity for emerging scholars (i.e. undergraduate and graduate students) to workshop with experienced faculty. Dependent on participant interest, zoom “poster board” sessions will also allow participants to share work and receive feedback online.
  • Additional plenary sessions will be announced.
  • Registration for the Conference will open on March 1st, 2023.

To submit a proposal or read the conference overview, please visit: