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Law & Social Change Colloquium: Ready for the Fight: Labor Law, Unions, & Social Movements

Mar 11, 2025

The Review of Law & Social Change is holding their annual Colloquium, “Ready for the Fight: Labor Law, Unions, and Social Movements!” on March 11 and 12 at NYU Law.

This colloquium will highlight the dynamic, energized landscape of contemporary workplace organizing and the ways labor law shapes and is shaped by this organizing. We have invited practitioners, organizers, and workers to lead workshops and panels on how worker organizing is empowering poor and working people to improve their working conditions and challenge larger structures of racial, economic, and colonial subordination. In addition to panels with worker-organizers and academics, we also plan to prioritize workshops and report-backs from current union members in legal services organizations, who will teach attendees about organizing in their own workplaces. We hope attendees will leave with a sense of how the current generation of lawyers fit into current labor struggles, both as practitioners and employees. Register here.

​Tuesday, March 11: Labor Law in the Legal Workplace

  • ​1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Power Mapping Training: Role of Big Law firms in Union Busting/Anti-Union Lobbying
  • ​6:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Union Organizing in Legal Workplaces Workshop
  • ​7:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Social and Presentation of Co-Publication

​Wednesday, March 12: Workplace Justice and Social Change

  • ​12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Organizing with Massage and Sex Workers in Queens Panel
  • ​5:00 PM – 6:30 PM: Protecting Dissent and Organizing in the Workplace Panel