The NYU Law & Political Economy Association (“LPEA”) works to create an intellectual and social forum for students to plug into ongoing discussions about the ways in which problematic economic and political assumptions are often embedded in the law, and conversely, the role that law plays in creating and maintaining unjust hierarchies of class, race, gender, and sexuality as well as ecologically unsustainable economic systems. Through our annual “LPE 101” speaker series, LPEA introduces NYU Law students and guests to critical LPE frameworks for addressing the urgent issues of our time.
In the first talk of this year’s series, the LPE Project’s own Sabeel Rahman will introduce us to key currents in the law and political economy landscape, and to what it means to study and practice law in a time of deep social, economic, and political crisis, asking the question: “How should law and legal thought grapple with economic power, racial inequity, and threats to democratic governance?”.
The talk will take place on Friday October 16 at 12:30 EST. The link to the talk is All are welcome!