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Organizing in Red States: Challenges, Possibilities, and the Road Ahead

Mar 6, 2025



Time of Event:

Thursday 12:00 ET

Please join the LPE Project on Thursday, March 6th, at 12-1:30 PM ET for Organizing Red States: Challenges, Possibilities, and the Road Ahead, which will feature a panel of seasoned organizers working in and across red states to advance systemic change.

November’s election left many Americans reeling. Our crises are multiplying. Solving them requires not simply winning elections, but doing far more: building powerful supermajorities of working people, across race, class, and geography, capable of delivering structural change in an ossified political system.

This project requires engaging in places on the electoral map where progressives have little strength. What does it take to mobilize communities in red states, specifically, around transformative change? How can we build resilient multi-racial, working-class coalitions capable of addressing the intertwined political and economic crises intensified by Trump 2.0? What does it look like to craft a progressive strategy that meaningfully engages rural communities for the long haul? 

This event will gather organizers with decades of experience waging political struggles in and across red states. Adrienne Evans is Executive Director of United for Idaho, the state’s only progressive, multi-issue coalition. Paul Getsos has 25 years of experience as a strategist for social movements, including as National Director of the People’s Climate Movement and founder of United Today, Stronger Tomorrow, a project working to build power in the Intermountain West and Upper Plains communities. Nzinga Amani is a southern Appalachian organizer and elected leader with the socialist organization Liberation Road, who has organized with the Anti-Mountain Top Removal movement in Appalachia, Black Lives Matter, and the Fight for $15 from a Black, queer revolutionary perspective. The panel will be moderated by Daniel HoSang, a professor of American Studies at Yale University and scholar of racial formation and racism in politics, culture, and the law. 

The event will be held over Zoom. To join us, please register here, or at the QR code above.