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Why Public Interest Students Should Study Banking & Financial Regulation with Saule Omarova

Nov 10, 2023


Yale Law School (Rm 122) + Zoom

Time of Event:

Friday 12:10 ET

On Friday, November 10th, at 12:10 ET the LPE Project held a lunch talk featuring Professor Saule Omarova, the Beth and Marc Goldberg Professor of Law at Cornell Law School. Law students interested in public interest careers—or in practicing in areas other than traditional business and corporate law—often skip courses on banking, securities regulation, or finance. This event will focus on why this should not be the case and why it is crucial for these students to understand how financial law and markets operate. Seemingly technical policy decisions in this field can significantly shape the future of our society. Advocates of public interest need a stronger voice in these debates. Professor Omarova will explore key areas in banking and financial regulation where the role of the public and the concept of public interest are ripe for redefinition, reinvigoration, and reinsertion into the decision-making process.

Professor Omarova specializes in regulation of financial institutions, banking law, international finance, and corporate finance. Before joining Cornell Law School in 2014, she was the George R. Ward Associate Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina School of Law.