Ganesh Sitaraman and Morgan Ricks on why tech platforms are the new common carriers; Suresh Naidu, Ilyana Kuziemko, and Nicolas Longuet Marx on why less educated voters have gravitated away from the Democratic Party; and Etienne Toussaint on why we need to embrace a new vision of constitutional citizenship. Plus, upcoming events with Lina Khan and Vincent Bevins, as well as new pieces by Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson, Kate Yoon, Jocelyn Simonson and John Legend, Kate Andrias, Luke Messac & Astra Taylor, and Daniel Hanley & Sandeep Vaheesan.
Daniel Morales analyzes the "crisis" at the US-Mexico Border, while Ganesh Sitaraman and Matthew Buck discuss the history of airline regulation. Plus, research grants from the HPE project, a CFP on labor and the law, Willy Forbath on the Taft Court, Zephyr Teachout on Netchoice, a new episode from Fragile Juggernaut, a conference on the future of work, and a last call to apply for the LPE in Europe Project's Summer Academy.
Jed Kroncke on territorial labor in the American Empire, and Megan Wachspress on how workers can divest their labor from war. Plus, the second session of our Courts reading group, a conference on neoliberalism, a cool new job building out the LPE-cinematic universe, and two new pieces on that old chestnut, the State.
Twelve titles that the Blog's editors can't wait to read in the months to come.
Brett, Kate, Matt, and James highlight some of their favorite posts from 2023.
A list of everything we published during this year of rest and relaxation.