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LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup, March 12, 2020

…on Thursday! Because time is just a social construct, man. Plenty of action on the blog since we last rounded up. We hosted symposia on money bail reform, on interdisciplinary methods in political economy, on Ganesh Sitaraman and Anne Alstott’s book on public options, and on Daniel Markovits’s book on meritocracy and inequality. Amy Kapczynski…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: February 7, 2020

We’re sure at least a couple links in this long list of LPE-related content will garner a click: A book review of Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy, where Gabriel Winant discusses the power and limits of the anti-monopolist tradition The Center Blows Itself Up: Care and Spite in the ‘Brexit Election’…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: December 9, 2019

We’ve been so chock full of posts that we haven’t had the time to round them up! Since our last round up, we’ve hosted two symposia: The LPE in Europe Symposium, with Ioannis Kampouraksis’s introductory meditation on what might travel the trans-Atlantic wire, Federico Fornasari’s consideration of the relationship between environmentalism and European corporate law,…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: November 15, 2019

The latest in LPE World: An interview with Bolivian anthropologist Raul Rodriguez Arancibia on the role of right-wing Christian leadership in the coup against Evo Morales (Related: NACLA Statement on the Coup in Bolivia: In Solidarity with Bolivians Resisting Military Intervention and Right-Wing Violence); Let Them Eat Tech: the Democratic Party’s love affair with tech…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: November 8, 2019

Greetings, friends! Recent media that might be of interest: For a look at market fundamentalism through the story of The Economist magazine, check out this article from the New Yorker. A book review of Bhaskar Sunkara’s The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in an Era of Extreme Inequality See the October 31 episode of Doug Henwood’s podcast,…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: November 1, 2019

Here are some things we’re reading: Last week on the blog, we continued our series on labor and the Constitution. This week, we featured highlights from LPE student organizing. These days in Rawls: a review in the New Republic of Katrina Forrester’s book In the Shadow of Justice by Jedediah Purdy, and a review in…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: October 18, 2019

What’s good in LPElandia? This week on the blog, we featured Allison Tait’s take on teaching Trusts and Estates from an LPE perspective. An interview with political scientist Alex Gourevitch on the history of labor republicanism in the United States over at The Dig. Gabe Winant wrote on the political valence of being in the “professional-managerial class”…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: March 30, 2018

Happy Friday! This week, the public continued to grapple with the revelation that Facebook disclosed more than 50 million users’ account information to the right-wing political consultancy Cambridge Analytica. LPE contributor Frank Pasquale has previously described how we should understand the big internet platforms as exercising a form of “functional sovereignty,” a description seemed as…

LPE Originals

Weekly Roundup: March 10, 2018

The week’s posts and the best of what we’ve been reading, for your weekend pleasure. This week at LPE Blog, reformisms were on the chopping block. We started with the second installment of Sabeel Rahman’s series on structural equality and law, where he argued that structural problems like inequality will not be solved by “meliorist…