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Law After Neoliberalism

Kendall Thomas Columbia Law School

This is an interdisciplinary course that examines the impact of neoliberalism on legal thought and practice. Neoliberalism refers to a body of ideas regarding the relationship between capitalism and democracy. Neoliberal theory holds that in a capitalist democracy markets rather than the state should serve as the preferred medium for resolving problems of political economy.…

Law, Social Movements, and Social Change

Nicholas F. Stump WVU College of Law

This course explores the dynamic relationship between social movements and law, examining how movements for social change both shape and are shaped by law, policy, and deeper socio-legal transformations. Through the lens of critical legal theories, we also will interrogate the complex role of lawyers and legal advocates within social movements. Topics of focus include…

Law and the Global Political Economy (Reading Group)

Akshat Agarwal and Xiaolu Fan Yale University

The global economic order is in flux. The Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, rising tensions between the United States and China, and a more assertive and independent Global South have challenged long-held assumptions of global governance. Economic theories focusing on free trade and the power of independent markets have also come under criticism for…

Law & Inequality

Yuvraj Joshi Brooklyn Law School

This course explores the relationship between law and inequality. Our questions include: What role might law play in reinforcing and redressing different forms of inequality, including along lines of race, indigeneity, class, gender, sexuality, and disability? When is legal reform emancipatory and when does it maintain structural inequality? How might political and social movements seek…

Law & Political Economy

Luke Norris University of Richmond Law School

At the turn of the twentieth century, a host of legal scholars developed innovative analyses of the relationship between law, democracy, and the economy. These scholars of political economy refuted laissez-faire ideas by showing that the state, with law as its instrument, necessarily constructed the rules of the marketplace. They also showed how forms of…

Race, Place, & the Law (seminar)

Brian Highsmith Princeton University

This seminar explores the institutional stakes of geography for economic opportunity and democratic representation, focusing on racial separation and subjugation in the United States. The first part of the course consider how law and policy help determine where people reside; the remainder explores how and why “place” matters. Many of our readings—which draw from public…

The Law of Care Work

Yiran Zhang Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations

This course studies the law’s governance of care work. The care economy supplies basic needs for individuals and provides the human infrastructure for society. Care work often happens outside the traditional workplace and/or the formal labor market. Beyond the market, the family and the state also play essential roles in providing and paying for care.…

Law & Political Economy

Amy Kapczynski Yale Law School

Much of legal scholarship and practice in recent decades has held politics and economics apart, abstracting away from or actively denying their interdependence.  Law schools and legal scholarship are organized along an implicit divide between “public” and “private” fields of law which is defined in significant part by the role that economics is thought to…

Law and Political Economy

Brishen Rogers Georgetown Law Center

This seminar introduces students to the field of “Law and Political Economy” (LPE) and explores current topics in LPE scholarship. LPE scholars are a diverse group whose work cuts across subject areas and methodologies. Nevertheless, LPE scholars tend to hold that “the economy” and “politics” are deeply interdependent—and yet that much legal doctrine, legal scholarship,…

1L Law & Political Economy Reading Group (2022)

Noah Rosenblum NYU Law

This 1L reading group is designed to introduce students to a range of work in law and political economy.  The reading group meets occasionally over the course of the year. As taught at NYU Law, it enrolls 12 first-year law students, and meets 4-6 times. There are no written assignments and the class is ungraded. After…

Law and Development

Neeraj Grover Azim Premji University

Mainstream development discourse and practice has not paid adequate attention to the institutional dimensions of development. Further, legal academic research in India has almost completely ignored the role of law and legal institutions in India’s development. The belated recognition of the role and significance of institutions means that questions such as what institutions are, how…

Big Tech, Big Battles

Laurel Kilgour Stanford Continuing Studies

Once regarded as engines of benevolent innovation, or even as global emissaries of democracy, big tech companies have lost their reputational luster in recent years. Their rise coincided with a historic decline in government action against market concentration and abuse of dominance. But now the gloves are off. Since 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice…

Law and Political Economy

Yochai Benkler Harvard Law School

The first half of the course will offer an introduction to the intellectual origins and basic tools of law and political economy.  The second half of the course will be based on a set of specific strategic interventions that will be selected for their political and social salience during the semester in which the course will be taught. 

LPE: Law, Markets, & Justice

Dr. Will Bateman & Dr. Ntina Tzouvala Australian National University

Legal education generally relies upon two unsustainable demarcations: first, it separates law from politics and economics and, secondly, it treats legal fields (contracts, constitutional law, property etc) separately from each other. Generally speaking, private law is equated with ‘economics’ and public law with ‘politics’. These demarcations are neither intellectually rigorous nor practically useful. For that…

Race, Place, and Law (reading group)

Yale Law LPE Student Group Yale Law School

This reading group, adapted from a reading list prepared by Brian Highsmith, will explore the relationships between race, place, and the law. Our goal is, per Highsmith, to understand the “institutional stakes of geography for distribution…focusing particularly on racial separation and subjugation in the United States” and the commodification of urban space. “Our readings will…