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The 10 Most Read Posts of 2017-2018


The light of a new semester brightens the horizon, which means that it is time for students and faculty to get back in the LPE groove. Over the next few weeks, while still nominally on hiatus, we’re going to help you recall that familiar tune by highlighting some of our most loved entries from the past four years. Today, we’ll get started by revisiting the ten most popular posts from the Blog’s inception through 2018. Future roundups will cover the most popular posts of 2019 and 2020, hidden gems from the archive, and siren songs for students.

10. Law, Political Economy, and the Legal Realist Tradition Revisited – K. Sabeel Rahman

Sabeel Rahman explores the long legacy of legal realism and its relationship to our current debates around law and political economy.

9. Accountability for the Internet of Torts – Rebecca Crootof

Rebecca Crootof discusses how new products liability law and fiduciary duties could be used to ensure that Internet of Things (IoT) companies are held accountable for the harms they foreseeably cause.

8. Where Is Race in Law and Political Economy? – Angela P. Harris

Angela Harris calls on LPE to challenge the separation between the study of economics and the study of race.

7. Thinking Intersectionally About Race and Class in the Trump Era – Noah Zatz

Noah Zatz argues that understanding what happened in the 2016 election requires a thoroughly intersectional analysis of race and class.

6. Law & Neoliberalism – Jedediah Britton-Purdy, David Singh Grewal

Jedediah Britton-Purdy and David Singh Grewal reject the familiar equation of neoliberalism with “deregulation,” identifying it instead with four overlapping kinds of claims.

5. The Movement for Black Lives Offers an Abolitionist Approach to Police Reform – Amna Akbar

Amna Akbar demonstrates how radical social movements offer an alternative epistemology for understanding and addressing structural inequality and injustice.

4. The Role of Technology in Political Economy: Part 1 – Yochai Benkler

Yochai Benkler explores the role that technology plays in rising inequality.

3. Why Civil Disobedience, and Why Now? – Amy Kapczynski

Amy Kapczynski explains why she decided to protest the Republican tax bill.

2. From Territorial to Functional Sovereignty: The Case of Amazon – Frank Pasquale

Frank Pasquale illustrates how the shift from territorial sovereignty to functional sovereignty is creating a new digital political economy.

1. Law and Political Economy: Toward a Manifesto – Jedediah Britton-Purdy, Amy Kapczynski, & David Singh Grewal

Raise the trumpet, sound the drum, the Law and Political Economy Blog had begun.