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Weekly Roundup: November 13, 2020


At the Blog

After a hiatus for election week, we started off strong with Karl Klare’s reflections on the relationship between socialist thought and critical legal theory.

Then historian Vanessa Ogle shared her work tracing how the modern proliferation tax havens grew out of wealthy colonizers’ postcolonial resistance to sharing the wealth they had accumulated from the colonial apparatus.

And Kate Jackson argued that existing political theories of the administrative state are lacking because they accept an outdated notion of democratic sovereignty. She argues for an alternative, drawing from recent work in political theory.

In LPE Land

The first panel from the COVID-canceled April LPE conference is happening TODAY at 5pm Eastern! And it’s a doozy. Emma Coleman Jordan, andré douglas pond cummings, Atiba Ellis, Steven Ramirez, and Gerald Torres will discuss the erosion of democratic institutions and the rise of oligarchy that has followed in the wake of unprecedented economic inequality. Register here!