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Fighting 21st C Monopoly Power Reading Group

YLS LPE Student Group

The United States has a monopoly problem. Markets are increasingly concentrated across sectors, contributing to lower wages, higher prices, ballooning corporate profits, and political and economic inequality. In response, lawyers, policymakers, and activists are reimagining and reforming the legal foundations that undergird market organization. At the center of their focus lie antitrust law and regulatory…

Soviet Law, Its Origins and Development

Anna Lukina Free University Moscow & Cambridge

This course examines the way the concepts of the law and state evolved during the first thirty years of the Soviet state, focusing on the intersections of revolution and evolution, politics and law, and terror and legality in the light of a detailed examination of primary and secondary sources.

Transgender Rights & the Law

Kendra Albert Harvard

How does American law treat transgender, genderfluid, nonbinary, agender, and gender- nonconforming people? What assumptions about gender operate in legal doctrines, and how do these assumptions interact with the lives of transgender people, especially those at the intersection of multiple axes of oppression? This seminar will discuss contemporary cases involving transgender rights, as well as…

Debt & Finance Reading Group

Michael Brennan & Ashley Burke Metro CD DSA

Have you ever wondered what debt is, where it came from, and how it came to underpin American political economy? We’ll try to answer these questions and more in the Debt and Finance reading group. The group will meet on Zoom every two weeks to discuss readings on the origins of debt, the rise of…

The Lawyer as Public Citizen: Access to Justice

Deborah Weissman UNC Law

This course will teach the principles of the lawyer as public citizen and the profession’s obligations to facilitate access to justice through a combination of readings,discussions, practice simulations, drafting exercises, and guest speakers. Major topics to be covered include the history of the provision of legal aid to the poor including the development ofcase law,…

1L Law & Political Economy Reading Group (2021)

Noah Rosenblum NYU Law

This 1L reading group is designed to introduce students to a range of work in law and political economy. The reading group meets occasionally over the course of the year.  As taught at NYU Law, it enrolls 12 first-year law students, and meets 4-6 times.  There are no written assignments and the class is ungraded.…

(Re)Searching for Justice

Nicholas Mignanelli University of Miami School of Law

This is a short research course designed for aspiring movement lawyers and students interested in social justice issues. Topics covered include the legal research process and its limitations, critical approaches to conducting legal research, critical legal scholarship, and emerging legal research technologies and their shortcomings.

Law & Political Economy Seminar

Glasgow Legal Theory Group University of Glasgow School of Law

This course offers an introduction to Political Economy, followed by units on “Law, Economy, & Labor,” “Law & Money,” and “Law, Nature, & the Pandemic”

Legal Ethics & Social Justice

Kathryn Sabbeth UNC Law

This course explores the relationship between social justice and lawyers’ ethics. It examines theoretical and practical questions related to the core duties of the profession. The focus is how these duties work in tandem or in tension with social justice commitments.

Realizing Worker and Social Justice Reading Group

Kyle Bigley, Angie Liao, & Ann Sarnak Yale Law School

Law governs the workplace in myriad ways. Though many regulations concerning work are concentrated in the fields of employment and labor law (“ELL”), issues of workplace justice intersect with almost every legal field and subfield conceivable, from criminal law to environmental law to education law to immigration law to First Amendment law and beyond.  This…

LPE of Money Reading Group

Joel Michaels & David Herman Yale Law School

The goal of this reading group is to consider the constitutive role of law in the value, production, and circulation of money, as well as its attendant impacts on inequality and economic injustice. In the first part of the course, participants will grapple with theoretical building-blocks for understanding the mechanics of the money supply and…

Designing Real Utopias

Noah Zatz UCLA Law

This seminar imagines the legal realization of radical hope. Contemporary social movements are insisting that another world is possible, and necessary. Complementing urgent efforts to resist or mitigate intense injustice in the present, bold visions for the future are on the table, if not yet around the corner: abolishing police and prisons, universal basic income,…

Movement Lawyering: A Social Justice Critique

Alexis Hoag Columbia Law School

This course introduces students to the different avenues and theories public interest lawyers can utilize to conceptualize and achieve social change. Through bi-weekly readings, discussion, and reflections the course explores past, present, and future movement lawyering strategies and concepts, including aspects of the civil rights movement, prison abolition, and Afrofuturism. It examines the ways social…

Racial Capitalism Collective Bibliography

LPE Racial Capitalism Working Group

This bibliography was developed collectively by the LPE Racial Capitalism Working Group which includes: Amna Akbar, Abbye Atkinson, LaToya Baldwin Clark, Veena Dubal, Carmen Gonzalez, Kaaryn Gustafson, Angela Harris, Cheryl Harris, K-Sue Park, Daria Roithmayr, Karen Tani, and Noah Zatz.

Feminist Theory: Marxism and Feminism

Eileen Boris UC Santa Barbara

What are the affects of class and where does intimate labor fit into Marxist notions of use and exchange value? Is commodification and decommodification gendered? How does an intersectional perspective illuminate such processes as the wage? What is the sex of class and the class of pleasure? This graduate seminar explores that which economist and…