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10 Hidden Gems from the Archives


During the past two weeks, we’ve highlighted some of our most viewed posts from the past four years. But the Blog has never worshipped at the altar of the almighty pageview, and we would be remiss if we concluded this trip down memory lane without unearthing a few hidden gems—posts that, for whatever reason, didn’t find as many readers as they deserved.

10. Workplace Autocracy in an Era of Fissuring – Cynthia Estlund

As part of our symposium on Elizabeth Anderson’s Private Government, Cynthia Estlund worries that the problem of hierarchy in the workplace will soon be eclipsed by the flight from direct employment.

9. The Many Forms of Police Violence – Monica Bell

Monica Bell argues that the work to eradicate police violence will never be complete if the public remains concerned only with the most viscerally jarring forms of violence.

8. The Sociology of Markets: An Alternative Political Economy – Neil Fligstein

Neil Fligstein explains why, if we want to make sense of markets, we must understand them as reflecting the relative power of governments, firms, and workers to structure the production of goods and services.

7. Coming of Age at the End of History – John Whitlow

Drawing on the work of Karl Polanyi, John Whitlow suggests that we are on the brink of a new moment, with its own developing – and highly contested – common sense

6. Financial Regulation and Social Reproduction – Donatella Alessandrini

As part of our symposium on piercing the monetary veil, Donatella Alessandrini explains why we must place social reproduction at the center of our analysis of finance.

5. What Makes an Administrative Agency “Democratic” – Katharine Jackson

Katharine Jackson argues that both anti-administrativists and their critics rely on an outmoded understanding of popular sovereignty.

4. The Mythical Community Bank – Mehrsa Baradaran

Mehrsa Baradaran dispels the myth of the noble community banker.

3. The Erosion of Public Control over Public Utilities – Sandeep Vaheesan

Sandeep Vaheesan describes how Congress and the courts have neutered public control over public utilities.

2. Universal Basic Income, Racial Justice, Climate Justice – Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò

As part of our symposium on Universal Basic Income, Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò argues that, tethered to a larger body of transformative political moves, UBI provides a way of protecting ourselves by protecting others.

1. Toward a Law and Political Economy of Gender Violence – Martha McCluskey

Martha McCluskey offers a political economy perspective on gender-motivated violence, asking what economic interests might especially gain from the systemic failure to fairly enforce criminal laws.