Weekly Roundup: May 14, 2021
Farmers vs. farmworkers, Chilean Constitution, and Remaking Appalachia…
Farmers vs. farmworkers, Chilean Constitution, and Remaking Appalachia…
EU’s Green Deal, ending vaccine apartheid, & AMRI 2.0!
A symposium on “Political Economy, Political Technology”, a session on LPE and Public Law, and our ME in the New Republic
We’re hiring! Posts on class in the military, on Indian market governance and state legitimacy! Events galore!
At the Blog Shirley Lin kicked off the week with a summary of her argument that the EEOC has undermined the collective commitment to disability accommodations in the workplace by making the accommodation a matter of individual bargaining between highly unequal actors. Then Robert Post argued, in response to Genevieve Lakier and Nelson Tebbe’s earlier…
The Democracy Beyond Neoliberalism conference takes its first blogged form!
At the blog: data governance, information fiduciaries, and countervailing power. In LPE Land: OSLJ’s workers’ rights symposium, 2 LPE 101 sessions, the conference continues, and more!
Posts on Ordoliberalism and on the shadow of mass incarceration on labor governance, the continuation of the Conference, and more!
Celebrating the second issue of JLPE, continuing the conference, analyzing the Texas electricity crisis, and more!
Rethinking the First Amendment, restructuring health governance, the Conference continues, and more!
Posts on causal inference and on rent cancellation and The Conference continues!
The conclusion of the UBI series, the continuation of the Democracy Beyond Neoliberalism Conference, and more!
UBI, Conference, Writing Contest, and more!
In which we announce the reconstructed “Democracy Beyond Neoliberalism” conference!
At the Blog We published the first part of our symposium on Hanoch Dagan’s forthcoming A Liberal Theory of Property. Jed Britton-Purdy and David Grewal kicked things off with an analysis of the relationship of private property to economies of scale, putting Dagan in conversation with classical liberal political economists the Marxian critique thereof. Then…