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LPE Blog

Weekly Roundup: November 22

Tara Pincock on meager price-fixing enforcement, Andrea Cann Chandrasekher on consumer redlining, and Alvin Velazquez on bankruptcy proceedings in Puerto Rico. Plus, the History & Political Economy joins the ranks of the blog army, a new paper on the labor consequences of insurer mergers, Lenore Palladino and Harrison Karlewicz on the myth that shareholders. . .

How Bankruptcy Prioritizes Property Rights Over Public Good

After a recent First Circuit decision, private creditors’ bankruptcy rights pose an existential threat to the only electric utility in Puerto Rico. As this outcome shows, we need a new approach to balancing the interests at stake in bankruptcy proceedings — one that protects private property, but not at the expense of undermining major public goods.. . .

Is Anyone Afraid of Breaking The Price-Fixing Laws Anymore?

The DOJ’s price-fixing suit against RealPage, which has uncovered brazen collusion among competing landlords across the United States, is a welcome departure from decades of hands-off antitrust enforcement. Yet with prices going up in industry after industry, and so few price-fixing cases brought in recent years, it appears many businesses have determined. . .

Weekly Roundup: November 15

Amy Kapczynski & Luke Herrine with some light election reading, Keith Orejel on the economic foundations of our modern urban-rural political divide, and Jacob Hamburger on how democrats should respond to the “migrant crisis.” Plus, Karen Tani’s new HLR Foreword, Jeffrey N. Gordon on the impending crypto financial crisis, a student note. . .

How Should Democrats Respond to the “Migrant Crisis”?

In the wake of their recent defeat, Democrats’ natural tendency will be to concede the issue of immigration to Republicans and embrace cruelty-lite versions of their opponents’ positions — a strategy that is bound to fail. Instead, Democrats need to offer their own agenda for immigration and internal migration. To do so, they should look to. . .

(Some of) the Best New LPE and LPE-Adjacent Scholarship

With the fall 2024 submission season in the books and our Twitter feeds abuzz with placement announcements, the LPE Blog highlights some of the most exciting forthcoming LPE and LPE-adjacent articles. Covering tech, labor, housing, admin law, family law, consumer protection, legal theory, local government law, and so much more, this scouting report is. . .

Weekly Roundup: November 1

Eight experts on Palestinian liberation and international law, Luke Herrine on the little-noticed revolution in Consumer Protection, Alex Gourevitch on the anti-democratic power of the entrepreneurial elite, and Brandon Weiss and Michael Karam on the prospects for major housing regulations in a post-Chevron world. Plus, a call for legal volunteers around. . .

The Machiavellis of the Market: Entrepreneurs Against Democracy

With Elon Musk plowing his wealth into a pro-Trump super PAC and Jeff Bezos blocking the Washington Post’s endorsement of Harris, it’s easy to overlook the more direct anti-democratic power of the entrepreneurial elite. Their economic power — the ability to shape the future of our society in utterly unaccountable ways — requires no insidious. . .

Have You Heard the Good News About Consumer Protection?

Recent years have witnessed a sea change in consumer protection, ushered in by a new generation of enforcers who reject many of the basic premises from the neoliberal era. They aim not merely to ensure that consumers have the information necessary to discipline firms through choice, but to prevent businesses from using their power to shape markets in. . .